Together we stand

Social Engagement

A bit of luck has definitely helped me to achieve my goals and here I would like to draw attention to individual cases and organizations, which I believe are worthy the support and deserve every bit of attention to make their cases heard.

…attention alone will not fund their cause, so your financial support is welcome and much appreciated.

“Wings for Life” World Run

Be part of it. On 5th May we run again for those who can’t.

The largest running event in the world (

You can run with the Wings for Life App or be part of one of the flagship events. You can do a nice Sunday stroll or aim to finish a half marathon (or more of course). One thing is for sure, the Sunday roast will be real tasty knowing that you have done something good for others.

You need a goal?

I may have the right one for you!

How about the Wings for Life World Run on 7th of May 2023?!

To help you get motivated –  here some personal impressions.

Pre-Race. It was 4am, so excuse my “out of bed” style.

After. Feeling destroyed but yet super excited being able to support this cause.

My personal race track (the streets of Thousand Oaks, LA)